Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners
  • Christophe Alias has a regular collaboration with Sanjay Rajopadhye from the Colorado State University (USA), through the advising of the PhD thesis of Guillaume Iooss. This year, this collaboration led to several publications, see Sections  6.8 and 6.5 .

  • Laure Gonnord has a regular collaboration with Fernando Magno Quintao Pereira from the University of Mineas Gerais (Brazil). This year, this collaboration led to several results, see Sections  6.4 and  6.3 . In Jan.-Feb. 2015, Compsys will host Fernando Pereira as an invited professor.

Polyhedral Community

In 2011, as part of the organization of the workshops at CGO’11, Christophe Alias (with C. Bastoul) organized IMPACT’11 (international workshop on polyhedral compilation techniques, http://impact2011.inrialpes.fr/ ). This workshop in Chamonix was the very first international event on this topic, although it was introduced by Paul Feautrier in the late 80s. Alain Darte gave the introductory keynote talk. After this first very successful edition (more than 60 people), IMPACT continued as a satellite workshop of the HIPEAC conference, in Paris (2012), Berlin (2013), Vienna (2014). Alain Darte is program chair for the next edition, in Amsterdam (2015). The creation of IMPACT, now the annual event of the polyhedral community, helped to identify this community and to make it more visible. This effort was complemented by the organization of the first (and for the moment unique) school on polyhedral code analysis and optimizations (http://labexcompilation.ens-lyon.fr/polyhedral-school/ ). Alain Darte also manages two new mailing lists for news (polyhedral-news@listes.ens-lyon.fr) and discussions (polyhedral-discuss@listes.ens-lyon.fr) on polyhedral code analysis and optimizations.